Friday, September 11, 2009

First Leg!

We have survived part 1 of our move to Spain. The packers began boxing up our things on Monday the 31st and finished up on the 1st. The kids didn't seem to mind that our stuff was wrapped in brown paper and couldn't be touched. It was different and cool in a weird way. Once all of our stuff was loaded up on the truck, we were able to clean the house to turn it back into the base. We had a day of nothing to do before my husband had appointments for final preparations. We turned the keys into our house on Friday afternoon and thankfully I went along with my husband. Knowing the person who was going to inspect was going to be female my husband wanted me to tag along and sure enough the flirting could not have been more evident. I have never been more ignored until I made some nice witty comments my husband found comical and my presence and position were made clear. I found it quite comical that there are people as bold as she. Once that was over, we went and enjoyed a final dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. Our Friday was spent hanging out and saying goodbye to good friends. I hope I didn't seem unemotional at the time of our goodbyes but I had a hard time later that evening knowing it would be awhile before seeing those great people again. I was also saddened because there were some really great people we didn't get the opportunity to say goodbye to. Early Saturday morning we were up at 3 am getting ready to head to the airport. After dressing sleepy kids we were on the road 20 minutes late. We got to the airport only to find a gaggle of un-organization. Once we figured out what we needed to do, we got to the desk to hand over our luggage and get our tickets. We asked if my husband could go back and assist me (something we have done many times in the past when I travel alone with kids) and the lady said his government ID was not proper identification. I would think a federal ID would supersede a state ID but what do I know! Finally after figuring out that it wasn't just a Washington ID she needed, my husband showed her his drivers licence and was able to get a security pass. On the bottom it said Military member assistance, so my question stands if his Military ID card wasn't good enough why then did it have it's own subcategory?....I was perplexed. We got the kids, coats, backpacks, car seats and ourselves through security, not quickly but efficiently. They were boarding as soon as we got to the gate which left little time to say goodbye to my husband. The flight attendants were great and helped my get all the kids situated and stowed the stuff I did not need directly on the flight. Thank goodness I did not have a layover anywhere I am not sure how that would have worked trying to get all the stuff from A to B alone. The flight itself was great. My oldest sat alone across the aisle next to a young girl who chatted away with my one who can talk forever, it was perfect. The twins took turns sleeping so it was easy to entertain one at a time. Of course, I was snack queen and pulled out my arsenal of yummies and all was good. Once we landed, we waited for everyone else to get off the plane. The flight attendants had my stuff waiting for me when I got off the plane, I just had to get it loaded up. My parents came down the ramp to my rescue and helped me get all my stuff and my kiddos out of there. My husband left the next day and drove with his mom to the next base for training. We have been on separate sides of the country for almost a full week and we miss each other greatly. I am enjoying not having much (other than the kids and what they are getting into) to stress over. My parents and sister are awesome and have really made us feel at home. It isn't hard to do when your family is awesome! The kids are doing okay. The girls are doing well but my little man is having a hard time. He yells for daddy esp. at bed time. Our conversations have mostly been about getting back on an airplane. Now he knows his dad is in California, he wants to go to Calipornia (he still can't say the 'f" sound). So our nights have been a little difficult to get him to sleep. My husband is a little bored in his training, he has gone from teacher to student and has a fairly new teacher who is intimidated by his Master Instructor status! My poor husband spent his birthday alone and starting his new class. He is trying to keep himself busy on his downtime but is enjoying the warmer weather. The first week of October we will be leaving the United States. I am super nervous and excited! We will keep you posted as things happen!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like your first leg of your adventure went off fairly well. I am looking forward to hearing about your adventures!


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