Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Lead by Example

Usually when my youngest goes missing or is abnormally quiet, fear sets in.  Fear that she has redecorated a room, created an interesting mural or is rewriting a classic book. But to my surprise this morning when my Little M radar went off, this is what I found.

She was reading The Long Winter from the Little House Series to her baby dolls.

And discussing the book with her brother.  It was a reminder of how our examples as mothers are so important.  She was showing love to her lovies by spending time with them, sharing a great story.
Let us remember today, to lead by example in love!  Let us say yes to the teachable moments.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

We are a Work of Art.

As a Christian, nothing is done to or happens to us without first being filtered by God.
These moments are used to mold us, sand down the rough edges and create a beautiful work of art.
How would we know beauty if we don't have a clue as what is ugly.  Everything is strategic for the growing and refining of our hearts to be set apart from the world.

~And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.  ~1 Peter 5:10

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I am Blessed!

I am so very Blessed.
My husband wants nothing more than to spend time with me. 
He doesn't complain that I don't get my hands dirty when he is in the garden.  (Wasps and dirt, not my thing)  He thanks me for spending time with him.
He makes coffee for me even though he has given up the most cozy drink ever.
He eats every meal I make no matter how badly it is blackened (my fancy word for burned).
He and I never have nothing to talk about.  Our days are filled with conversation.
I love that he, like I, feels lost if our little people are not with us.  We cherish our quiet time together but love the little people tucked away in bed for the night while we talk the night away.
I love that he can find humor in my "I was not meaning to be funny, that was a totally serious question!" moments.
I am blessed that he hurries home each night caused he missed me.
I love that he is interested to find out all about what ever new thing I am learning.  Be it photography, homeschooling, or frugal and natural homemaking.
I am loving growing with him! 
Growing as a Christian, as a parent and as a student of life.
When I really take the time to look at all I have been blessed with (and this is a small part of the vastness) I can see that I have so much to be joyful for.  He has been given to me and my children.  He is an amazing gift. 

My prayer tonight ~ Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.  Psalms 51:12
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