November has been a little overwhelming for me. My best friend came to visit and we enjoyed having her here and showing her a little bit of Spain. Having a familiar face made me homesick for the familiar. I love living in Europe but I am ready for a taste of home. I am finding comfort in my own little family, trying hard to rely on God's placement and plan for me. I am so thankful for little hands to hold, a husband who comforts me no matter my mood, friends becoming family away from home and the Internet to keep in contact. Esp. this last week when I couldn't jump on plane to be with my sister and family during the birth of my nephew. He is doing well but for a minute he was having a hard time.
Today I am so thankful for being able to stream radio online that feels like home.
My favorite Station
I am thankful for my twinsees, who in the midst of 3 year old tantrums still want me to comfort them by holding them, turning lights on for them and make me make believe pizzas 200 times a day!