First Birthday
Second Birthday

Three years ago yesterday our Twins were born. The past three years have been full of fun, learning, busy-ness and change. We found out we were expecting June of 2006. From the beginning, the pregnancy was so different from that of our oldest. When we went in for our 13 week appointment and the Dr. tried very hard to tell us we were further along than we expected. I could not except this as truth, I knew something was very different. We met our new midwife at our 17 week appointment. She was and is so awesome. As she was checking our baby's heart rate, she tried to get a better angle to hear more clearly. She informed us that she felt there was more than one in there. In a split second our baby turned into babies. The ultrasound confirmed her suspision, there were two in there. I cried,over come with fear, joy and fear. At 20 weeks, we found out we were having a boy and a girl. We were so excited. Our oldest most of all. She was thrilled to be having a brother and sister at the same time. She actually predicted it, we asked what she wanted to have "a brother or a sister?" when we found out we were pregnant. Her reply "Both". I went into our 35 week appointment feeling a little different from the usual and asked our Midwife if she would check to see if anything was going on. Sure enough I was already dilated to 4cm. We went to Labor and Delivery to see if we were in labor. Not so, we were able to go home but we got prepared just in case. The following evening I was having pretty consistant contractions and decided it was to go in. We were admitted around 9 in the evening. After a relatively easy preganancy (aside from discomfort driving or lying down and the love of everything else of preganancy...I loved it) and about 19 hours after the onset of Labor, our babies were born. The first two years were fun and the third even more so...Complete sentences, opinions, conversations, riding bikes, trying so hard to be big all the while being my babies. We have moved overseas and they are picking up a little of the key words in the language.