Sunday, May 17, 2009

Happy 7th Birthday!

Today our daughter turned 7! At 5:40 pm, she was officially 7! Our pregnancy with her was totally planned but still a huge surprise. Dan had to go through surgery in order for us to try and have a baby. We were told not to expect much the first couple of years but 3 months later we were pregnant. I was a Career woman at the time and my husband and I decided my place was at home and I got out of the Air Force. We decided to have a home birth. We did not have any complications and on May 15th at 11 am I went into labor. We were in labor for 31 hours. Our daughter was born at home in a birthing tub. It was a wonderful experience. My husband helped deliver her and was the first hold her. Today we celebrated (sadly without Dad) with ballet photos, lunch at a favorite restaurant and then to our favorite little cupcake joint. We had a blast!
Just days old!One year!
And..... SEVEN

Friday, May 8, 2009

Lost the Training Wheels, Finally!

My daughter is going to be 7 on May 16th. She has outgrown her current bike but for the longest time refused to take off her training wheels. The deal was that she could not get a new bike unless she learned how to ride without training wheels. For the past year she has whined and complained about this statement. About a week ago she asked me take them off of her bike, three days later she was riding all by herself. Now I saw this whole experience going down like World War 3. She is a very strong headed little girl and I have always thought much more than I ever was. I have heard horrible stories about learning to ride my bike that my family loves to tell me in full detail. I blamed my dad for every fall, at least I think that is how it went. It must have been a traumatizing time in my life because I have erased it from my memory. I seriously do not remember learning to ride my bike. Back to my daughter. She did not complain, did not want my help because she "wanted to learn it the right way". I am not quite sure how I was going to teach her to do it wrong but she has pretty much mastered the task. I am amazed at her independence during this task. She is growing up to be a beautiful, warm, caring and smart little lady.

Monday, May 4, 2009


This morning I had one of those slap in the face moments. Over the weekend I was dealing with some inner turmoil and was not looking to be very forgiving to the one who hurt my feelings. This is definitely an area I need prayer and hard work. Here is the email I received as a gentle reminder of the change I need.

Forgiveness Isn't Cheap
Nancy Leigh DeMoss: True forgiveness isn’t cheap. Imagine that someone borrows $1,000 from you. They promise to pay back $100 every month, but then you never see a check. They just don’t have any money to pay.

Then imagine that God pricks your heart and challenges you to forgive that debt. He’s given you so much that you want to bless this other person. When you erase the debt, you’re the one who has absorbed the $1,000 loss. Forgiveness is costly!

The same thing is true when someone hurts us. Forgiveness isn’t cheap then, either. But God has called us to forgive others, just like He’s forgiven us. Jesus was willing to pay for our sin. It cost Him everything.

Is there someone who owes you big-time? Would you say, “Lord, because of all You’ve done for me, I’m willing to pay the price; I’m willing to absorb the debt; I’m willing to forgive”?

With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy Leigh DeMoss.
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