Friday, February 27, 2009

Keeping it interesting!

I so love my children. They definitely keep me on my toes. Yesterday my youngest decided she wanted to nap in the buff and removed her diaper and took a nap. When we got her up from her nap she went on the potty twice. So exciting, both of the twins are showing signs of wanting to potty train. But then today, our little man was walking hand in hand with his big sister and tripped. He hit his face and his tooth cut his lip. I feel so bad for him, it looks painful. I am guessing the adage "boys will be boys" is fitting for his age. He has no fear and is defiantly a daredevil.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Today our oldest started Ballet and had a blast. She looked beautiful and while not as graceful as a ballerina, her joy and delight was so awesome to experience.

Happy Birthday Twins.

Two year ago today our twins were born. The past two years have been a lot of fun and full of busy-ness. We found out we were pregnant in June of 2006. From the beginning, the pregnancy was so different from that of our oldest. When we went in for our 13 week appointment and the Dr. tried very hard to tell us we were further along than I was. I wasn't buying it, I knew something was very different. We met our new midwife at our 17 week appointment. She was awesome. As she was checking our baby's heart rate, she tried to get a better listen at another angle. She informed us that she felt there was more than one in there. In a split second our baby turned into babies. The ultrasound confirmed that there were two in there. I cried out of shock and I was so scared of the unknown. At 20 weeks, we found out we were having a boy and a girl. We were so excited. Our oldest most of all. She was thrilled to be having a brother and a sister at the same time. I went into our 35 week appointment feeling a little different from the usual and asked our Midwife if she would check to see if anything was going on. Sure enough I was already dilated to 4 cm. We went to Labor and Delivery to see if we were in labor. Not so, we were able to go home but we got prepared just in case. The following evening I was having pretty consistent contractions and decided it was time to go in. We were admitted at around 9 in the evening. After a relatively easy pregnancy and about 19 hours after the onset of Labor, our babies were born.

Baby boy. 5lbs 15oz born at 1212pm

Baby Girl. 5lb 8oz born at 1216pm

Baby boy at 1 year.

Baby girl at 1 year.

Little Man at 2 years old.

Little Lady at 2 years.

Monday, February 9, 2009

A Month Gone, Where did it go?

So it has been 1 month to the day since my last post. We have had another change for our family once again. We have moved into a new house.

After gaining my 16 year old stepson we needed a four bedroom so that he could have a space of his own. We took him to Ikea yesterday so that he could pick out a comforter set for his room. I felt it was important for him to have something in there that he picked out.

The whole family is enjoying our new place. The older two are not having to share with the little ones and the twins are back together and doing so much better at night.

The twins truly do keep things interesting. Yesterday morning I went into their bedroom and both had taken off their diapers and thrown them on the floor. Luckily there were no huge messes to be cleaned up and no one had any accidents.

The do look so cute when they are being naughty.

We also have gone almost a full week without a pacifier for our little girl. She has been so dependant on one for so long. Her face began to crack and bleed one night from always having the paci in her mouth and then it always being wet. I decided she needed to throw it away, which she did. She still occasionally whines for it but I distract her with something else. Now we put her to bed with a book. A much better habit, I think!

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